Poll Shows The Unvaccinated are the LEAST Concerned about Delta Variant

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A new poll released this weekend by CBS News shows that the unvaccinated and partially vaccinated Americans are the LEAST concerned about the contagious, Delta variant.

For the individuals that took part in this poll by YouGov shows that 53% said they don't want to get a Covid vaccine because they are worried about side effects, 50% stated they did not trust the government as one of their reasons for refusing the inoculation, while 45% cited not trusting science as their reason. This is concerning.

48% of those who took part in this poll who are "not fully vaccinated/not vaccinated" mentioned that they were concerned by the Delta variant, while 72% of fully vaccinated American's were worried about the variant and the speed at which it is growing in the United States.

This past Friday, President Joe Biden said,

"only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated."

66% of the respondents praised President Biden's handling of the pandemic, while 52% think the Biden administration's focus on vaccination efforts was "about right". On the other hand, 57% of Republicans said that President Biden was doing "too much" in trying to get the unvaccinated, vaccinated.

68% of those who responded to this poll have at least one vaccine and were considering getting a second shot, but we're okay with one. This poll talked to 2,238 United States adults and was conducted by YouGov from July 14th-July 17th and data was released by CBS News.

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