New York Residents Say They're Being Terrorized by Violent Rogue Squirrels

A number of residents in Queens, New York say they're currently living in fear... Sooo much fear in fact, that several of the residents say they haven't left their homes in weeks!!!

The source of their troubles? A group of rogue, overly-aggressive squirrels that clearly don't like people. Yes, squirrels...

Among the terrorized residents is Micheline Frederick, who says she was attacked by one of the nasty rodents as she stood on her front porch.

"This was an MMA cage match -- and I lost," Frederick says of the encounter. "We’re wrestling in the snow and there’s blood everywhere; and my fingers getting chewed and it won’t let go. Eventually, it just stopped and there I was a big bloody mess."

Although frustrated residents have complained to the city, the Department of Health only advised them to hire an independent trapper, says Vinati Singh, who was attacked while capturing a squirrel on video. Although they followed the department's advice, the traps remain empty, he adds.

"I’m a little surprised that the city is not taking it a little more seriously considering how many people have been attacked," Singh says.

Read the full report on CBS2 Chicago, and stay safe out there folks!

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