What Should You Do if You Lost Work Because of COVID-19 in California

Schools, businesses and restaurants are being closed all over California and many workers are at risk because of it.

For some places, people can work from home and still earn pay...but for many others it means reduced hours, possible layoffs and missing out on bills.

Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed an executive order to give local governments the ability to halt evictions and prevent power shutoffs.

But what else can you do during this time?

From job hits, to being sick yourself or caring for a loved one who is ill, we have some answers!

If you lost hours or your job, unemployment insurance is available with an estimated $40 to $450 can be earned per week for up to 26 weeks.

If you're sick, can file a disability insurance claim or use accrued sick time...

And if you have to be home to care for a family member who is sick you can receive paid family leave.

If you are still at work and contract COVID-19, you may be able to get workers' compensation to receive some payments.

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