Robert Sarver Announces Plans To Sell Suns, Mercury

One week after he was suspended for a year and fined $10 million for misconduct in the workplace, Robert Sarver has announced plans to sell the Phoenix Suns and the Phoenix Mercury.

"As a man of faith, I believe in atonement and the path to forgiveness," Sarver says in a statement released Wednesday. "But in our current unforgiving climate, it has become painfully clear that that is no longer possible — that whatever good I have done, or could still do, is outweighed by things I have said in the past. For those reasons, I am beginning the process of seeking buyers for the Suns and Mercury. This is the best course of action for everyone."
  • The statement follows a much lengthier report by the NBA in which Sarver is accused of "racism, misogyny and other workplace misconduct."
  • The report also claims he "said the N-word at least five times in repeating or purporting to repeat what a Black person said," even after he was warned that "he could never say the N-word, even when quoting someone else."

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