Don't Worry, You Can Finally Kiss The Blarney Stone Again

Anyone traveling to Ireland will soon be able to kiss the Blarney Stone again...


The practice, that had gone on for nearly 600 years, was halted due to the coronavirus pandemic. But now that Ireland is beginning to reopen...

The owner of Blarney Castle, Charles Colthurst, decided he wanted to be the first person to kiss the limestone slab after Ireland's coronavirus restrictions were removed, so he did it to celebrate Liverpool's Premier League Championship!

“There are some very difficult times ahead in the tourism industry, but hopefully this is the start of our journey over the coming years to try and grow our visitor numbers back to similar levels before the COVID situation,” Colthurst said.

Travelers from around the world come to kiss the Blarney Stone as it promises the "gift of eloquent speech." But moving forward, tourists can take comfort in knowing that sanitation precautions have been put in place to prevent COVID-19 spread, while you kiss Ireland's famous stone.

Find more information on the Los Angeles Times.

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